About Us

EBSspectrum.org is an organization founded to help educate and provide detailed information to members of the public, telecommunications industry and educational community about the utility, value, benefits and availability of Educational Broadband Services (EBS) spectrum licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). We seek to assist parties in pursuing and securing the benefits of EBS in all communities by providing a comprehensive information source for service providers, educators, nonprofit organizations and the public.

EBS spectrum is a locally licensed prime mobile spectrum band in the 2495-2690 MHz (2.5 GHz) frequency range used for advanced 4G wireless services in the United States that is being deployed by multiple national, regional and local operators.  Several domestic and international operators and equipment vendors are leading the standards based development of the 2.5 GHz band in the U.S. and internationally.


There are still many opportunities available for interested local and regional telecommunications service providers to pursue EBS spectrum in the United States for deployment of advanced 4G wireless services, as well as opportunities for EBS spectrum holders to identify new service provider partners interested in leasing their spectrum.

There are also opportunities for existing EBS licensees, accredited educational institutions and others, including nonprofit organizations, to obtain expanded and new EBS spectrum licenses directly from the FCC at no cost. The capacity of these licenses may, in turn, be used to deploy advanced wireless services directly or in partnership with wireless operators pursuant to revenue generating spectrum leases.

There are 4G wireless services and equipment available from current EBS license holders nationwide who have unused or idle spectrum capacity and services that may be provided to interested local educational organizations and nonprofits on a discounted basis.